These are HackerRank's last 3 challenges resolved from "10 days of JS"

1st - Task

Create a clickable button with the next condition:
The button's initial text label is 0. After each click, the button must increment by 1. Recall that the button's text label is the JS object's innerHTML property.

2nd - Task

We want to create nine buttons enclosed in a 'div', laid out so they form a 3x3 grid. Each button has a distinct label from 1 to 9, and the labels on the outer buttons must rotate in the clockwise direction each time we click the middle button.

3rd - Task

Implement a simple calculator that performs the following operations on binary numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Note that division operation must be integer division only.
For example: 1001/100=10, 1110/101=10, and 101/1=101.